Our Moulage Workshops specialize in casualty simulation applied arts and have revolutionized traditional medical moulage techniques into the next generation platform of high fidelity, or “art of realism”.
These courses have been carefully designed under the technical guidance of military and civilian medical advisory council.
The course was conceived and developed by 3 time nominated / Emmy Award-winning makeup special effects artist, Suzanne Patterson, and is now taught by Nola Pearce, a world-leading moulage & simulation solution specialist, who has created over 20,000 wound simulations for various pre-deployment, preparedness and tactical response training programs around the globe.
“Boot Camp” Elementary Technician Workshop: is a highly compressed and intensive three (3) day course designed to immediately stand up a strong “top to bottom, front to back” knowledge base in the “Core 5” casualty simulation arts materials along with proficiency in the fundamental concepts, design, composition, and application of medical special effects appliances.
A closely supervised hands-on laboratory along with staff tutoring helps the student refine their learning process and execution. The instructors provide additional professional tips and add-on techniques during each performance phase of the workshop. Their renderings will be visually consistent with documented battlefield injuries and those of mass casualty incidents.
Boot Camp Knowledge and Skill Acquisition Overview:
Acquiring the visual and working index of the “Trauma Twelve” casualty simulations (minor to critically injured).
Working in the “Core 5” materials of Casualty Simulation Arts
Working in advanced color application techniques and mediums that produce ultra-realistic results.
Bleeding and non-bleeding injury simulations, from incident injuries to IED explosions, small arms fire, and vehicular/aircraft crashes.
“A.I.T.” Advanced Injury Training Workshop is also a highly compressed and intensive three (3) day course that takes the fundamental skill set acquired through “Boot Camp” into more advanced materials never experienced before, and multi-level construction techniques that produce ultra High Fidelity realism of casualty simulation Arts medical special effects being done today.
“A.I.T.” Advanced Injury Skill Set Overview:
Advanced materials, construction, and application techniques that further build on the acquired knowledge and skills performance in the “Boot Camp” course.
Working an extensive profile of WMD/ disease ailments in new advanced materials not available anywhere else, and advanced construction techniques.
Instruction and application in static mold reproduction materials that allows the student to create original designs or a copy.
Each workshop is strictly limited in the number of students in order to maintain a low, student-to-teacher ratio which fosters the best professional results. Students will take home a variety of reference materials, moulage products and construction materials, and completed renderings that are included in the workshop price.
This WARFIGHTER workshop is based on our professional design and style of full service moulage execution that we are contracted to provide for military and civilian mass casualty drills and training events, professional casualty simulation arts services program.
This course will teach the important elements of designing, developing, and executing the medical moulage portions of an ALL HAZARDS exercise in the military or civilian training environment. Also included in this course is the design and build of ultra high fidelity appliances using an exclusive innovative and proprietary material and technique not available in any other moulage-based workshop. This is a must course for anyone tasked to create a truly “high definition” successful training event with excellent measurable outcomes.
Introduction to Moulage with HealthySimulation.com
Learn the art of creating high-fidelity simulation wounds and injuries with this 3 hour introductory online workshop that is available via our friends at HealthySimulation.com. Click the link to register now as the course will be kicking off in January 2022, don’t miss out!
This online solution will enable students to login from anywhere around the globe to complete the course and includes an optional Moulage Kit to get started with supplies.
Use the links provided to check out the overall learning platform and register for the event.
Learn the art of creating simulation wounds.
In this three hour course, you will learn the art of creating high-fidelity healthcare simulation wounds and injuries with an optional hands-on training moulage kit shipped right to your door. This mix of online instruction and in-person hands-on materials will show you how to safely apply bruises, shock & cyanosis, burns, open fractures and lacerations safely to your Standardized (Simulated) patients and/or manikins.
On completion, you will:
Show an understanding of how to safely plan moulage for a healthcare simulation educational or training experiences, including examples of safety considerations;
Understand how simulated moulage makeup can be used in clinical simulation experiences to improve clinical patient outcomes and list common applications of simulation in healthcare;
Create a realistic bruise using crème makeup on a human model or manikin, and a realistic open laceration using a wax based moulage and simulated blood products; and
Receive a Nursing Certificate of Completion that earns you 3 CE hours.