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Moulage Makeup for Casualty Simulation, Part 2
Whatever your material of choice to use for moulage, be it latex, gelatin, wax, or silicone make sure you understand the performance of your materials and it’s interactions for the greatest success in your moulage outcomes. Make sure that you understand how to create the injury so that your results will be as close to real-to-the-eye as possible.
Casualty Simulation Moulage Challenges
Many first responder medical personnel often comment on the challenges they continually encounter to hone or upgrade their skill sets through professional casualty simulation instruction, application, and performance. This is largely due to funding deficits and/or lack of access to higher value educational resources and qualified schooling. As such, their field training exercises often fall short of providing measurable results that can enhance their speed and techniques in injury recognition and triage time.
Theatrical Blood Effects for Realistic Casualty Simulation: Part 1
Dramatizing blood effects properly in bleeding injury simulations requires a bit of knowledge in how the human body hemorrhages as a result of trauma.